The Project “Increasing Organic Beef Production on Australian Farms” was established to meet the current market shortfall against the rising demand for organic beef, and has provided assistance to Beef producers to enter the organic marketplace. Interested Beef producers were able to participate in producer forums around the country, including via webinars, which included information on the organic standards, supply chains, pest control, livestock treatments and supplements.
Beef producers were also given assistance in completing certification applications, developing organic Management Plans, and underwent on farm extension visits prior to their initial organic audits.
As part of the project, extension materials have also been developed, which will enable other producers to access information and formulate their own Organic Management Plans.
AOM Group are proud of the results of the project, “We now have more producers certified organic, and not only does this help us with our customer’s supply, but gives the other buyers of organic beef the opportunity to grow their businesses internationally as well” says AOM Director Matt O’Leary. “The extension materials, including the online training videos, will make it easier for other producers to convert to organic should they become interested”.
Project Managers’ Organic Systems and Solutions, said the project provided key learnings in producer engagement and training. “We have developed extension materials for the Beef Industry that we believe are completely different to anything that currently available” say CEO Marg Will.