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No Beef with Organics

Australian Beef Producers can now access assistance to convert to organic status, under a new project 
announced today.
Jointly funded by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) via the MLA Donor Company (MDC) and meat exporters Australian Organic Meats (AOM Group), the project will enable existing beef producers to convert to Organic status by assistance through the certification process and training in organic livestock and land management.
The project will also establish benchmarks as to the financial benefits of organic production, and aims to help fill the present supply gap. “Our customers are estimating that they will need more organic beef than we can currently supply”, according the AOM Group Director Simone Tully. Ms Tully says that consumer demand for organic beef and products in general is growing and placing pressure on current supply. “Our international customers are really pushing us to get more producers on board in order to meet the demand for clean, Australian organic beef”.
MLA Manager on-Farm Production Dr Wayne Hall says MDC is partnering in the project “in order to get firm data on the cost benefits of organic beef production”.“The premiums for organic beef are large but there is limited data on the costs of conversion, this project will enable beef producers to have the necessary information to make sound business decisions to convert to organic and assess the risks”

“This project will also generate industry extension materials which will be valuable for the entire beef industry” says Dr Hall.

According to Project Manager, Organic Systems & Solutions (OS&S), the decision and process to convert to organic is often confusing. CEO Marg Will says this project will make not only the process simpler, but provide extension materials for future use. “This project is limited in the amount of producers who can participate over the two year period, but Beef producers as a whole will gain information that will assist their businesses to make any changes as a result of consumer driven demand in the coming years”. Ms Will’s company operates across South-east Asia and sees increasing demand for organic products at the coal –face. “Our retail clients in Asia want more organic products from Australia in order to meet their consumers’ preferences, and our manufacturing clients in Asia want to process more organic food. It’s that simple, and the Australian Beef Industry is well-placed to meet that growth”.

For further information on the project please see www.organicsystemsandsolutions.com or telephone 
Simone Tully (0408) 451078 or Marg Will (0417 )674 790
Contact Marg Will on 0417 674 790

Organic Innovator wins Telstra Business Award

Anni Brownjohn, of the Right Food Group in Murwillumbah, has taken out the Business Innovation Award at the 2013 Telstra Australian Business Women's Awards in Melbourne on November 14.

Anni started the Right Food Group fourteen years ago to cater for the needs of people with food intolerances or allergies. The group now supplies certified organic products across Australia and exports overseas.

European Union Moves to Protect Bees

A two-year ban on some pesticides comes into effect across the European Union on December 1st 2013 in an attempt to slow the rapid decline of bee colonies across the continent. CCTV reports from Belgium that while no one doubts that bees are disappearing, the debate about why continues to rage.
The humble European bee. It pollinates plants, including farm crops and is crucial to the wellbeing of ecosystems. And like elsewhere in the world bees are disappearing. 

"Here in Europe the bee populations are dying off at the alarming rate of about 30 percent every year".
The reasons why are thought to be complex, but neonicitinoid based pesticides are a prime-suspect. "We have some data that proves some products like neonicitnoids can be really dangerous for bees and can kill bee colonies and it’s true, it’s been proved by a lot of scientific articles". Etienne 
Bruneau, Spokesman of Bee Life said.

The European Commission agrees and on Sunday began enforcing a ban on three neonicitinoid pesticides. But Major Swiss and German chemical firms are now taking the European Commission to court arguing the science behind the ban is faulty. An allegation backed by the EU’s Committee of Agricultural Organisations, which also argues the move will cost farmers and the European Union billions of Euros in lost revenue.

"We feel that it will take away a major part of our tool box in combatting plant pests and in this respect it is a serious matter for European farmers and their competitiveness." Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General, Copa-Cogeca said.

And even the British Beekeepers Association warn the ban could fuel the re-emergence of older more harmful pesticides. But no one doubts the bees are disappearing, or if they disappear completely it will devastate crops. Farmers like Adrien Paquet say they don’t like the ban and want to be able to use neonicitinoids is a responsible manner, unless they see scientific evidence that convinces them of a danger.

"If a pesticide has an effect then stop, I am OK, stop." Adrien Paquet, Wallonian Cattle and Crop Farmer said.

European scientists will be monitoring the pesticide ban closely over the coming months to see if this is really is what’s decimating bee populations.
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